Idea video streaming setting for mobile Nokia ,Lg,SonyEricsson etc...

You can use the Default Idea Gprs settings for streaming also .Important thing is that don't forget to active the same profile for streaming.In SonyEricsson you can see a separate profile for steaming .

Manual Settings  on Mobile
1st step:Create a data account  in the  name" IdeaGprs"
Access point as internet   or  imis
Then leave all other blank
2nd Step:Then create an  Internet  Profile name with  IdeaGprs
In "Connect using " option select "IdeaGprs " data account that we have created in step 1
proxy:  or
Port:9201    or 8080
Activate this profile for streaming 
Home Page:
Then connect to for You-tube
Also Look
  1. Free mobile streaming live TV channels
  2. 10 easy step to Browse on PC via Mobile


chandan said...

Thankx alot its working
