After the success of the Bling and the Andro A60, Micromax has now launched Bling 2 (A55), a low-cost Android 2.2 Froyo phone with styling of its predecessor. Priced at Rs. 8,999 (market operating price), Micromax’s curvaceous Bling 2 is meant to be a fashion accessory for the fairer sex, apart from being a phone. It bears a shiny Swarovki Zirconia body and gems around the home button as well as the camera. It also comes with a white leather carry case that houses a compact mirror and pouch for your lip gloss!
Micromax has bundled some apps with the device as well, hoping to make the Bling-2 more attractive for the modern woman. These include MiRoamer for radio, Mosho for shopping, Mundu for live TV, Saavn for music on demand, and Whatsapp for IM. Micromax has not scrounged on the hardware side, where for the price and fashion styling, you also get a 600MHz processor, 3G (WCDMA) connectivity, a 7.1cm capacitive touchscreen, a 3MP camera, Wi-Fi/GPS/Bluetooth, connectivity, expandable storage up to 32GB via microSD, and a 3.5 mm audio jack.
Indian market price : Rs. 8,999
Micromax has bundled some apps with the device as well, hoping to make the Bling-2 more attractive for the modern woman. These include MiRoamer for radio, Mosho for shopping, Mundu for live TV, Saavn for music on demand, and Whatsapp for IM. Micromax has not scrounged on the hardware side, where for the price and fashion styling, you also get a 600MHz processor, 3G (WCDMA) connectivity, a 7.1cm capacitive touchscreen, a 3MP camera, Wi-Fi/GPS/Bluetooth, connectivity, expandable storage up to 32GB via microSD, and a 3.5 mm audio jack.
Indian market price : Rs. 8,999